Theme images by Igniel


One of the most beautiful creation of our mother nature is , the wildlife . Wildlife not only meant for wild animals but also for all the animals  which  grow without human interference can be said to be the part of wildlife. Wildlife has it's own food chain , like us . There are  all three types of animals herbivores  , carnivore and omnivores that constituent wildlife food chain. 

Herbivores animal : -  Animals which eats only plant(veg) are said to be   herbivores .
example:- elephants , giraffe , zebra etc.

Carnivores animal : -  Animals which eats only flesh of other animals(non-veg) are  said to be  carnivores 
example:- lion , tiger , leopard etc.

Omnivores animal : - Animals which eats both plants and  flesh  are said  to be omnivores.
example:-  dogs .
How many types of species are there  ? 

 There can be 100 species of animals are there , but if we categories on the bases of the numerical  quantity there are two types of species EXTINCT and ENDANGERED .

Those species of animal which have been  completely disappear(not a single animal of species is present)  either worldwide or in a particular political jurisdiction   is called extinct animals . 
Example : -  Dodo , saber-toothed tiger , mammoth  etc.

Those species of animals which are near to extinct because of human activity or naturally  (climate change , natural disaster etc.)  is called endangered species . 
Example : - Tiger ,  Giant Panda  ,  Asian elephant etc. 

 What is the Impact of  human activities  on wildlife  ?

It is clear that there was  bad impact on wildlife because of human activities . Economic changes ; increase in human population  ; continuous tree cutting (deforestation) for agriculture , construction of roads  buildings etc.;  These are  the some major factor which is destroying the habitat of wild life , because of  loss of habitat animals are entering in villages , cities .

Most of the Endangered animals are because of poaching( hunting ) for their body parts including skin . 
 Protection  of  wildlife  

Now the government and many other private companies has started many missions to save many animal  species from being Extinct  . To save this they have build wildlife sanctuaries, national parks , biosphere reserves etc.  This mission is  now being  Worldwide  , WWF(World Wide Fund) is one of the most known  for it's work for wildlife .

We can also save animals by not using products which use  animal body parts for manufacturing . We should remember that wildlife also constituent the ecosystem on the Earth .

                                 Step towards against 
                                    wildlife desertification ! 


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Beginner said…
You are doing graet
Beginner said…
Truly it' s a beautiful creation of mother