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Technology : An advancement in life

Intro to Technology 

 Now days technology serves one of the important part of our daily life .  The device in which your are reading this , the gadgets in your house are all the result of technology development. Technology  can be  the sum of skills , method  used in the production of services ,  or in accomplishment operations such as scientific investigation   

The works that take time to done , now can be done easily and take less time  . Technology is now effecting all the sectors   of our life . Even sectors such as agriculture is now  developing  with new and easy machines  & methods to do agriculture .

Education  sector is one of those which have been most effected by technology . During this pandemic online classes , business meetings and other essential things are going with the help of technology .  Without technology many  works can't be done .

 Developing Technology 

Rate of development of Technology is continuously accelerating .  Many technologies are on their developing phase which will make human's life more comfortable  . Some examples are as follow :           
IoT. IoT is driving business  changes by providing the data needed to improve marketing, increase sales , and decrease costs , the report found .
Artificial Intelligence 
Serverless computing 
3D printing

The above are some of the popular technologies nowadays. The rate of technology is accelarating also because of pandemic many people are trying  computer programming , A.I projects  etc.

 Technology  Changing life's 

Development technology is also developing the life's of many people. Now, hard works can be done easily. If anybody wants information about anything they can access to internet . 
 People who are disabled can also live a normal life with  help of technologies. Technology is also improving business strategies . With the help of technology you can get accurate things .

Means of communications are also improving with technology.  Social media is also a technology by which anyone from the different part of the world can put his/her view .

Helping to know about our world . 

Artificial Intelligence : Threat or life changer ?
 A.I stands for artificial intelligence which means that a machine can thinks like human's , can do work or even better than humans . Many colossal tech companies are working on their A.I system and many companies has updated their own  A.I systems . 
According to Elon Musk we human's always underestimate the capabilities' of A.I as we think it will be always in our control.  

It is is very important topic for human's that their own creation will be their enemy or not . 

But we include A.I in this post as we think that A.I can help us to make a better future for our next-generation if we use it carefully . 


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